Monday, January 4, 2010

New Years Resolution

So finally, here I am blogging for the first time; the first of the many New Years resolutions I have to accomplish in 2010. The second one is actually committing to it every week of the year. I guess depending on how interesting this blog is, will determine whether I make it through.
Now for my third and more common resolution... get healthier! I've started by spending way too much money at the Whole Foods vitamin isle. After harassing the attendant for fifteen minutes, I got everything from acidophilus to gluten free whey protein, to pure liquid acai. Which is fantastic by the way! Has anyone every tried to use the frozen bars? What a pain. This one just comes in a bottle and you pour a few ounces in your shake. Easy!
Then I wasn't sure on which flaxseed oil to buy. I normally get the cold pressed oil for the fridge, and sometimes get the Essential Woman with evening primrose. But the nice man told me that the organic ground flaxseed is better for fiber. Sweet! That always helps with weight loss. I just add 2-3 tbs. to my shake or oatmeal, yogurt, etc. I felt better already. So here's my morning shake.... I encourage you all to try it!

2 scoops vanilla whey protein
2-3 tbs ground flaxseed
1 oz pure acai juice
1 oz acidophilus probiotic
4-6 oz almond milk
1/2 banana
1/4 cup blueberries
handful of ice
*sometimes for an extra bonus, I add a handful of spinach.

Next I plan to omit red meat until March 15th. Why March 15th? It sounds good. I think it will be pretty easy until I go to a fabulous restaurant, but there's always fish, and it's not forever. My only fear is boredom. So if anyone has some great recipes to get me through, please post! And I promise to share my future recipe successes/disasters over the next few months along with any news of weight loss. See you next week!


  1. Very ambitious resolutions – but so inspiring! I know you can do it! I too am trying to improve my health in 2010. One habit I am trying to incorporate is eating a salad a day, five days a week. My first salad is listed below – some of my signature ingredients are of course included! Very filling!

    No red meat sounds like such a challenge but I am sure you will get so creative with other proteins and come up with fun, unique dishes. I recently made a turkey, black bean and sweet potato stew. Super simple, cozy and satisfying. Try it out and let me know if you add anything to it…Sauté onions and garlic till aromatic, add diced sweet potatoes, when tender add ground turkey and finish with a can of black beans. Season with salt and pepper. Served with a basic green salad. Very easy!!

    First Salad of 2010
    Romaine Lettuce
    Cherry Tomatoes
    Hearts of Palm – Signature Ingredient
    Black Beans
    Shredded Chicken
    Flavor with Olive Oil, Salt and a Splash of Balsamic Vinegar

    To Happy Health Eating in 2010!!


  2. This all sounds good guys.. I hope I can get on the band wagon. But, with my adverson reation to some foods (now including green leafy vegitables) I feel my attempts to eat healthy are going to be a challenge.
    So, keep the recipies coming, I need the inspiration!! xo

    BTW- any health, simple, breakfast ideas???

  3. BTW- can Nate add spell check to this?? I already see a typo..ugh!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thanks for the comments girls! Emily, I just bought all the ingredients for your turkey stew and will see where it takes me as I make it. You will see it in the next few posts.
    Sheridan, does the shake sound good to you? Its a great, healthy, simple breakfast! It just takes 5 minutes of your time in the morning. However, not sure how pregnancy friendly it is. Maybe ask your doctor.
    Other quick breakfasts could be greek yogurt w/fruit and a piece of whole grain toast w/peanut butter. Or maybe steel cut oatmeal with blueberries (which actually does take around 30 min to make but if you make 3-4 servings on a Sunday, you can just refrigerate them for each morning).
